Average Daily Facebook Users in the World | 1.79 Billion |
Users with Daily Facebook Stories Globally | 300 Million |
Facebook Users who earn High Income through their Pages | 74% |
Facebook users who have access on their Mobile Phones | 98.3% |
Number of Facebook Ads in 2020 in Australia monthly | 21 |
Average Australian active Facebook Users | 16 Million |
Percentage of Active Facebook Users in Australia | 64% |
Total Population of the Australian People | 25 Million |
Facts and Figures
- Roughly 1.79 Billion users always visit Facebook daily.
- Facebook is the 3rd most visited site globally.
- Facebook is 3rd from YouTube and Google.
- Facebook is the 5th most downloaded application in the Google Play Store.
- Facebook Messenger is the fourth application that is downloaded in the Play Store.
- Facebook is 17 years old.
- The highest traffic of Facebook mainly occurs at midday on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
- 88% of most Facebook users are for connecting with family and friends.
- 53% of Facebook users’ adults do not know newsfeed display posts.
- There are 300 Million users who have daily Facebook stories.
2020 Review
- 7.5 Million people mentioned in the Facebook daily, especially during the death of George Floyd regarding the Black Lives Matter
- Beirut is among the 20 most mentioned subjects in Australia in the year 2020.
- Dr Catherine Barrett had 562,000 followers in Australia due to the Kindness Pandemic in the year 2020.
- Local Austalia businesses created new groups with over 10 Million followers by March 2020.
- In the past three months, over 47 Million people supported Small Businesses in Australia.
- Facebook live views and Instagram doubled during the lockdown in Italy.
- Over 50% of Australians turned into fitness classes while connecting with local artists and others globally.
- During the selection process, the U.S. Vice President, Kamala Harris, was mentioned more than 10 million times in a single day on a Facebook page.
- Kobe Bryant topped in discussion during his tragic passing.
- Facebook was also the most used social media platform during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
- Ginsburg Ruth Bader was a feminist icon who was commemorated with over 6 Million posts on the Instagram and Facebook page with a hashtag of #Restinpower
- There have been over 2.6 million people who have raised above $87 Million using Facebook Fundraiser in the year 2020.
- The 2.6 Million people have a dire need of animal protection, ocean clean up among others.
Facebook Audience Statistics
- There are over 74% of Facebook users who earn a high income.
- Notably, there are roughly 75% females on Facebook, with 63% being male counterparts.
Users on Facebook Percentage Grouped with Age Bracket
- People who are aged between 13 and 17 years represent 51% of the Facebook users.
- The ones that have 18 years and 29 years represent 79% of Facebook usage.
- Between 30 and 49 years, people represent 79% of Facebook usage.
- On the other hand, people between 50 and 64 years of age represent 68%.
- However, the ones that have over 65 years old represent 46% of the Facebook users.
Facebook Users Locations
- Most of the Facebook users mostly live in urban areas, with a percentage of 73%.
- Suburban dwellers follow with 69% in the usage of Facebook using.
- Lastly, 66% of rural people use the Facebook application.
Facebook Users in 2020 October by Highest Number per Country
- 10% of users live in Canada or the US
- The Asian-Pacific Facebook users have nearly 41.3% that are monthly active in Facebook usage.
- 41.3% are active users of Facebook usage.
- Other countries that have the highest numbers include India, with over 310 Million by the year 2020.
- The USA had 190 Million Facebook users in the year 2020.
- Indonesia had 140 Million Facebook users in the year 2020.
- Brazil had 130 Million Facebook users in the year 2020.
- Mexico had 92 Million Facebook users in the year 2020.
- The Philippines country had 81 Million Facebook users in the year 2020.
- Vietnam had 65 Million Facebook users in the year 2020.
- Thailand had 50 Million Facebook users in the year 2020.
- Egypt had 44 Million Facebook users in the year 2020.
- Whereas Bangladesh had 39 Million Facebook users in the year 2020.
Advertising Statistics on Facebook
- There have been over 2.14 Billion people who have reached through ads.
- In the year 2020, between July and September grew by 45 Million with a 2.2%.
- Notably, 35% of the Australian people are aged 13 years or over through Facebook ads.
- The Facebook users who have the account make 43% female and 57% male in Australia.
- Most women are likely to click Facebook ads between 35 and 65 years with a commercial prosperity platform.
- The top 5 countries with great advertising reach areas include India, the US, Indonesia, Mexico, Brazil, when the Australian country did not make it to the top 20 in the list.
- The average number of clicks on the Facebook app in Australia count to 23 monthly.
- The worldwide clicks count at 12 ads monthly on the Facebook application.
- Notably, any Facebook click in Australia is $1.72.
- However, the price has been on the decrease from 2019 with a 6% figure.
- The impression of the Facebook Ads created increased by 37% in 2019.
- The male advertising audience reaches 19% for the ones that have years between 25 and 34 years.
- However, the female counterparts reached 13% in 2019, with people between 25 and 34c years.
- Notably, the global advertising audience in the Facebook platform has hit 13% of females who are aged between 25-34 years old.
- Besides, 56.4% of the Facebook users who have ads are English-speaking people.
- 48% of Facebook users come from the US and Canada, which greatly impacts the economy.
- Around 21 Facebook Ads are experienced in the country of Australia monthly.
- 58% of marketers will use Facebook Ads in the next 12 months.
- 50% of the marketers’ plan shows that Facebook ads are on the rise concerning organic activities.
- However, the trend has been on the decline in the past two years as it was standing at 62%.
- The research also shows that Facebook Ads are lightweight, with a percentage of 75.
Device Statistics for the Facebook Application
- Roughly, there are 98.3% of Facebook users have access to their mobile phones.
- 79.9% of the users access the app through their phones.
- 1.7% uses desktop computers to access the Facebook application.
- 18.5% of the users on Facebook make it through using their phones and computers.
- 80.5% uses Android to access Facebook applications as a way of communication.
- 14.3% access their Facebook accounts through the use of IOS devices.
- 5.1% of the Facebook Users consistently access the platform using other undefined devices.
- However, 94% of the required ad revenue always comes through phone usage.
- Notably, 6% of the ad revenue is always through desktop applications that people have installed on their machines.
Facebook Benchmark Statistics
- The page likes on Facebook have increased by 0.12% in the year 2020.
- The post reach as compared to the page likes is at 7.01%.
- However, the organic reach against page likes is 5.17%, while the pages that use paid media stand at 26.9%.